The Difference between Diversity and Inclusion
It's been over a year since I have last written here. I can't tell you the countless times I have started writing a new post with excitement and every intention on completing it to only be distracted by that thing called life. It's not that I don't have much to say or that I have lost my interest in diversity and inclusion- in fact it's the opposite! I have been facilitating more workshops regarding diversity and inclusion for organizations in the last year than ever before! However, my teaching, consulting, and board of directors responsibilities have left me less time than I'd like for the most important job and priority I have, which is being a mom to my two sweet boys. One of the best lessons I have learned since becoming a mom is that it really isn't possible to "do it all" and that some things have just go to go when you are a multi-tasking mom like myself. Unfortunately, this blog was one of the things that I had to stop giving my time and energy to.
I don't have the time right now in my life to write meaningful posts that are embedded in research but I do think I can commit to creating short, educational vlogs that create awareness and provide information about the things I am most passionate about. With that being said, I am excited to share the first vlog in a series called, "Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace." In this series, I will share short informational videos that discuss important concepts and ideas that are necessary to understand in order for workplace diversity and inclusion initiatives to be effective and meaningful. This first vlog discusses the fundamental differences between the concepts of diversity and inclusion. Happy viewing!
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